301 E. Nash Street, Wilson NC 27893

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Wilson Housing Authority to start taking applications for Three-Bedroom Units

The Wilson Housing Authority is opening the waiting lists for 3-bedroom units in its three public housing communities. People can begin to pick up applications for these units on Monday, March 24, 2025, and the housing authority will start accepting them on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. The housing authority has three public housing communities – Whitfield Homes, Forrest Road Homes, and EB Jordan Homes – and applicants can apply for all three communities on the same application. At this point the waiting lists for all other sized units remain closed. For more information about how to apply, please go to the Housing Tab at the top of the page and click on the Public Housing Option in the pull-down window.

Whitfield Homes Manager Julie Tullio helps Jamise Clifford-York choose gifts for her granddaughter during the housing authority’s Toys for Tots Christmas event.

Toys for Tots Christmas event distributes gifts to 425 children

The Wilson Housing Authority’s Toys for Tots Christmas gift event on Tuesday, Dec. 17, collected and distributed gifts for 425 children ages 0-12.

The Wilson Housing Authority partnered with Toys for Tots to bring this event to our residents, and we would like to thank the Rev. Rodney Coles, who oversees Toys for Tots for this region of eastern North Carolina, for choosing the housing authority to partner with.

Other companies and organizations that made this event possible are Full House Storage of Wilson, Strader Management Services of Wilson, Baker Distributing Company, Word Tabernacle Church of Rocky Mount and Dixon, Boles and Associates of Wilson.

WHA seeking bids for 31-unit HVAC Replacement Project

The WHA is seeking bids for a 31-unit HVAC Replacement Project. Sealed Bids will be due to the WHA by 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. For a complete bid packet for this project please click on the following links:

2025. Bid Packet. 31 Unit HVAC Replacement. CFP. 02.12.25

2025. Addendum 001. 31 Unit HVAC. 02.26.25

2025. Addendum 002. 31 Unit HVAC. 02.27.25

2025. Addendum 003. Bid date extension. 31 Unit HVAC Replacement. 03.06.2025

WHA seeking bids for Vinyl Windows and Exterior Steel Doors modernization projects

The WHA is seeking bids for the following projects. 

1. Replacing exterior steel doors in our public housing communities. Sealed proposals will be due to the WHA by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. For a complete bid packet for this project please click on the following links:

2025. CFP. BID PACKET. Exterior Steel Doors.

2025. Addendum 001. Exterior Steel & Security Screen Doors.

2025. Addendum 002. Ext. Steel Doors. Bidding period extension & Tough Tek Metals Security Storm Doors. 02.26.25

2. Replacing vinal windows in our public housing communities. Sealed proposals will be due to the WHA by 2 p.m. on March 26, 2025. For a complete bid packet for this project please click on the following link:

2025. CFP. Bid Packet. Vinyl Replacement Windows. 01.15.25

2025. Addendum 001. Sealed Bid Extension. Two

Board approves HCV utility allowances for 2024-2025

The Wilson Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners approved the agency’s 2024-2025 utility allowances for units housing HUD assisted households through the WHA’s housing choice voucher program at its September 12, 2024, meeting. The utility allowance sheets can be accessed by going to the Housing tab and clicking on housing choice vouchers.

Wilson Housing Authority Closes its HCV Waiting List

The Wilson Housing Authority has closed its HCV waiting list. At this time no new applications are being accepted.

Current Job Openings

We currently have job openings in our Maintenance department. Please go to the Careers link at the top of the page and click on the Open Positions pull down tab to get more information.

WHA gives away 100 computers

The Wilson Housing Authority partnered with the Kramden Institute of Durham to distribute 100 free desktop computers to Wilson families with school aged children who needed assistance getting a computer. For more information about this event please click on the link below to WRAL’s coverage of this partnership.


Board approves 2024 Annual Plan, HCV utility allowances for 2023-2024

The Wilson Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners approved the agency’s Annual Plan for 2024 and Five-Year Plan for 2024-28 at its meeting on Oct. 12. The Board also approved new utility allowances for units housing HUD assisted households through the WHA’s housing choice voucher program and new housing choice voucher payment standards. The utility allowance sheets and voucher standards can be accessed by going to the Housing tab and clicking on housing choice vouchers.

Board approves new Admissions & Continued Occupancy Policy

At its meeting on June 8, the Wilson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners approved an updated Admissions & Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP). The ACOP is the rules and regulations that govern how the housing authority runs its public housing program. This new document contains a significant number of updates to its public housing rules and regulations. A PDF of the new ACOP can be found on our Public Housing Page, which can be found by clicking on the Housing tab on our homepage. This new ACOP replaces earlier versions of the ACOP and should be used by all individuals and organizations doing business with the housing authority.

Wilson Attorney Joins Wilson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners

Wilson attorney William Farris joined the Wilson Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners at its January meeting, filling the post vacated when Thomas Eatmon retired from the board in December.

For the full story please go to our News Channel tab and click on Announcements and Press Releases.

Board of Commissioners announces new leadership

The Wilson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners will be lead in 2023 by Annie Ward, who will serve as the board’s chair, and Kent Montgomery, who will serve as the board’s vice chair.

For the full story please go to our News Channel tab and click on Announcements and Press Releases.

Eatmon steps down after more than two decades on WHA Board

 Thomas Eatmon brought his 21-year run as a Wilson Housing Authority Commissioner to an end this month when he officially retired from the Board of Commissioners following its December meeting.

For the full story please go to our News Channel tab and click on Announcements and Press Releases.

Wilson Housing Authority celebrates ribbon cutting for new Eatmon Townhomes

Wilson and North Carolina officials join the Wilson Housing Authority in celebrating the ribbon cutting for its new 32-unit Eatmon Townhomes on Wednesday Aug. 17, 2022.

Updated Maintenance Charges

We have updated our maintenance charges for 2022 and they will go into effect once the board approves them. To see a copy of the new charges please click on this link:

WHA Maintenance Service Charges 2022

For our residents:

 If you have questions or concerns pertaining to your tenancy or housing assistance please contact your property manager/specialist or case worker by phone or email. The office staff will mail notices requesting any missing documentation.

You may report changes in your income via fax and email:

Forrest Road Manager – Julie Tullio: julie@wilsonha.org, 252-291-1340

Whitfield Manger – Tiffany Webb: twebb@wilsonha.org, 252-291-7267

EB Jordan Manager – Alysha Nutt: alysha@wilsonha.org, 252-234-6016

WHA Mission Statement

Aniyah Barnes of Whitfield Homes sends homemade dish soap and corn starch bubbles skyward through her just completed pipe cleaner bubble blower. Barnes, 10, created a variety of patterns to blow her sudsy concoction through as a camper at the Wilson Housing Authority's Arts Camps sponsored by the Arts Council of Wilson and the Wilson Rotary Club.

Aniyah Barnes of Whitfield Homes sends homemade dish soap and corn starch bubbles skyward through her just completed pipe cleaner bubble blower. Barnes, 10, created a variety of patterns to blow her sudsy concoction through as a camper at the Wilson Housing Authority’s Arts Camps sponsored by the Arts Council of Wilson and the Wilson Rotary Club.

The Wilson Housing Authority is a recognized leader and innovator in sustainable, affordable housing.  A high performing agency for several years, WHA is able to engage in a level of community-based partnership with both the City of Wilson and the private sector business community that is exceptional among housing authorities.

The agency’s mission is to provide safe, decent, affordable housing to the Wilson Community, ensuring the sustainability and responsible land use in our development that is required for a forward-thinking community.