301 E. Nash Street, Wilson NC 27893

Public Housing

Wilson Housing Authority to start taking applications for Three-Bedroom Units

The Wilson Housing Authority is opening the waiting lists for 3-bedroom units in its three public housing communities.

People can begin to pick up applications for these units on Monday, March 24, 2025, and the housing authority will start accepting them on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

The housing authority has three public housing communities – Whitfield Homes, Forrest Road Homes, and EB Jordan Homes – and applicants can apply for all three communities on the same application.

To qualify for a three-bedroom unit, applicants must meet federal income eligibility guidelines, household size requirements and other federal eligibility regulations. Applicants will also need to be able to provide copies of a photo identification for any member of a household over the age of eighteen, a social security card for all household members and a birth certificate for all household members.

Applications will be considered in the order in which they are returned. Applications received from veterans will receive a preference in where they are placed on the waiting list. Households who are currently experiencing homelessness and victims of domestic violence who are currently in a shelter will also receive a preference if the application is accompanied by a signed preference letter.

Only fully completed applications will be accepted by the housing authority for consideration.

At this time, the waiting lists for all other units in public housing remain closed.

Starting March 24, the public housing application and preference letter can be picked up from the following locations Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.:

WHA Administrative Office: 301 Nash Street E.

Forrest Road Homes Office: 502 Parkview Street

Whitfield Homes Office: 633 E. Walnut Street

EB Jordan Homes Office: 1800-H Fountain Drive

A PDF of the application and preference letter will also be available here to print starting on March 24.

Starting March 25, completed applications will be accepted on Tuesday and Thursday at the following locations:

Forrest Road Homes Office: 502 Parkview Street

Whitfield Homes Office: 633 E. Walnut Street

EB Jordan Homes Office: 1800-H Fountain Drive

Completed applications can also be mailed to any of the three offices. All the offices are in Wilson and their zip code is 27893.

The Wilson Housing Authority is an Equal Housing Opportunity Provider.

New HUD Eviction Notice Rule

Wilson Housing Authority is now required to provide a 30-day notice prior to any adverse action for eviction for non-payment of rent instead of the previous 14 days.  If you receive a 30-day termination letter for non-payment of rent, a list of community resources will also be provided per the notice requirement.  This ruling has become effective December 8, 2021.  For more information, the PIH Notice 2021-29 can be found by clicking on the link below



Public (low-income) housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.

Public (low-income) housing is limited to low-income families and individuals. WHA determines eligibility based on:

  1. Annual gross income
  2. Local preferences (subject to change based on the agency’s Annual Plan)
  3. U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status.
If a family is eligible, WHA will check criminal background and references to ensure that the family will be a good tenant. The Authority may deny admission to any applicant who may be expected to have a detrimental effect on other tenants or on the community’s environment.

In addition to subsidizing living units for various family sizes, WHA offers public (low-income) housing units that are specifically designated for seniors and adults with disabilities.

Public Housing Forms

WHA ACOP June 2023 Update

Income Limits for Wilson County


To find the income limits for Wilson County click on the tab that says Click Here for FY2023 IL documentation. To qualify for the public housing program a household must qualify under the extremely low, very low or low income limits.

Public Housing VAWA Forms

WHA PH HUD Form 5380

WHA PH HUD Form 5382

WHA PH Emergency Transfer Plan

WHA PH HUD Form 5383 – Emergency Transfer Request